Feb 26, 2022
Wellington Invitational: this is an AAU competition Future Champion and JOs will compete on this meet.
Hello Parents, On Saturday February 26th, the team will be competing at the Wellington Invitational at Plantation Central Park in Plantation, FL. Divers will compete in their respective age groups. The age calculation for JO and Novice divers as of December 31, 2022. The online registration deadline for the meet is Friday February 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM. The cost for the meet is $35 per event and one-time Facility fee of $10. As per our Team Competition Policy there will be a $40 Coach fee per diver + expenses. This coach fee will be added to your monthly bill.
This is an AAU sanction meet. If your child does not have an AAU membership, You must get membership before registering for the meet. Follow the steps below:
HOW TO REGISTER WITH AAU: Go to AAU Diving https://play.aausports.org/joinaau/multimembershipapplication.aspx and follow instruction below:
When asked for Sport select Diving.
When asked for Coverage Extended (AB) $16.
When asked Are they a member of a club? Select Yes
When asked for AAU Club Code write W34W78.
Enter your child or children information.
On Term and condition click on I have read and agree.
Sign Digital Agreement press continue then click on Checkout
You do not need to by a T-shirt. Scroll down an click on
You can create an account if you wish or continue as a Guest.
Fill out credit card information and press continue.
After your child gets the AAU membership, you will go to www.divemeets.com. Below you will find the information on how to update or create your account . For those new parents registering for a diving meet for the first time, you can find below a step by step explanation to how to register for the meet, roster, and dive codes. Make sure when you create the Divemeets.com account, the name and DOB matches the information you have with AAU.
Pool Address: Plantation Central Park 9151 NW 2nd St, Plantation, FL 33324.
If you do not see your child's name now, he/she may not be ready for this meet. If you think your child is ready, please ask us.
The competition will start at 09:00 am. Divers on the first event must get to the pool no later than 7:45 am. Those competing on the second event and later events must get to the pool 1:00 hour before their warm up time. I will email you a timeline next Friday after the meet registration closes online. NEXT COMPETITION:
March 26 David Nielsen Invitational (Future CHampions + JO divers) Pine Crest Ft. Lauderdale
Miami Diving – Roster for the Wellington Invitational (Important!!!! Please confirm participation)
Age Group 8-9
Al-Asfour, Khaled
8-9 Boys 1m Novice: 001B 002A 101C 102C
8-9 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 5101A
Al-Asfour, Samir
8-9 Boys 1m Novice: 001B 002A 101C 102C
8-9 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 5101A
Benavides, Benjamin
8-9 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 101A
Escutia, Renee
8-9 Girls 1m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 101A
8-9 Girls 3m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 5101A
Age Group 10-11
Escutia, Nicolas
10-11 Boys 1m Novice: 101C 201C 401C 103C 202C 10-11 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 001B 002A 101C 103C
Macau, Gianna
10-11 Girls 1m Novice: 001B 002A 101C 401C 102C
10-11 Girls 3m Novice: 100A 001B 002A 101C 401C
Pina, Emma
10-11 Girls 1m Novice: 001B 101C 201A 401C 103C 10-11 Girls 3m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 002A 101C
Sabas, Elias
10-11 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 101C 201A 401C 102C
Suarez, Leonardo Working on list of dives
Age Group 12-13
Benavides, Gabrielle
12-13 Girls 1m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 101C 401C 102C
Dimitris, Sydney
12-13 Girls 1m Novice: 100A 001B 101C 201C 401C 102C
12-13 Girls 3m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 002A 101C 401C
Gorordo, Catalina
12-13 Girls 1m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 101C 201A 401C 102C
Pesin, Victor
12-13 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 200A 001B 101C 201A 102C 202C
Villagra, Adriano
12-13 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 200A 101C 201C 401C 102C 202C
Age Group 14-15
Erdmann, Carlos
14-15 Boys 1m Novice: 101C 201C 401C 301C 103C 202C 14-15 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 001B 002A 101B 401B 103C
Fura, Sawyer Working on list of Dives
Gonzalez, Roberto
14-15 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 101C 201A 401C 103C 202C
Honono, RafaelWorking on list of dives
La Neve, Gianmarco
14-15 Boys 1m Novice: 101B 201C 401C 301C 103C 202C
14-15 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 001B 002A 101B 401B 103B
Marin, Simone
14-15 Girls 1m Novice: 101B 201C 301C 401C 103C 202C
Pritchett, Vivian
14-15 Girls 1m Novice: 100A 101B 201A 401B 103C 202A
Villagra, Nataniel
14-15 Boys 1m Novice: 100A 101B 201C 401C 103C 202C
14-15 Boys 3m Novice: 100A 001B 002B 101C 401C 103C
Age Group 16-18
Casana, Yva
Group B Girls 1m (14-15): 103B 401B 201B 301B 5231D 104C 403C 203C 5223d
16-18 Girls 3m Novice: 103B 201B 301B 401B 5231D 105C 403B
Gulia-Janovski, Denny
16-18 Boys 1m JO: 103B 401B 201B 301B 5132D 105B 203B 303B 403B 5134D
16-18 Boys 3m JO: 103B 403B 201B 301B 5132D 107C 205C 305C 405C 5152D
Menendez, Lucas
16-18 Boys 1m JO: 101B 401B 201B 301B 5221D 103B 105C 403C 203C 303C 5122d
16-18 Boys 3m Novice: 001B103B 201B 301B 401B 105C 403C
Perez, Markus
16-18 Boys 1m JO: 103B 401B 201B 301B 5221D 105C 403B 203C 303C 5122d
16-18 Boys 3m Novice: 103B 401B 403B 203C 303C 105B 405C
Reyes, Isabella
16-18 Girls 1m JO: 103B 401B 201B 301B 5231D 104C 403C 203C 5223d
16-18 Girls 3m Novice: 103B 201B 301B 401B 5231D 105C 403C
Toussaint, Camille
16-18 Girls 1m JO: 103B 401B 201B 301B 5231D 104C 403C 203C 5223d
16-18 Girls 3m Novice: 103B 201B 301B 401B 5231D 105C 403C
Xydas, Nicolette
16-18 Girls 1m JO: 103B 401B 201B 301B 5221D 104C 403C 203C 303C
16-18 Girls 3m Novice: 101B 103B 201B 301B 401B 105C 403C
19 & Over
Cortes, Pia Next Meet
Rojas, Samira Working on lists
How to Update your Divemeets.com account:
1. Login your account. 2. Click on Update on the top menu then select Account. Select Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) as organization is you have not check it before. 3. Go to the bottom of the page and click continue. 4. Under the AAU and section enter Team, coach, and this year’s AAU and click Continue at the bottom of the page. 5. Review your change and click Continue at the bottom of the page again. 6. Click on Pool deck and follow direction on How to register for the meet below starting on step 5.
How to Register for the Wellington Invitational:
A. If a diver has already registered in the past with divemeets.com, you don’t have to register again, all you have to do is to login with your child’s DiveMeets ID and password and click on Wellington Invitational. If you forgot the ID and Password, click on login then you can click on Forgot your password or DiveMeets ID and you will get and email with your ID and Password. If the meet does not appear after you logged in, you must update the account information and choose that you are a member of Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).
B. If you HAVE NOT registered before with www.divemeets.com follow the instructions below:
1. Go to www.divemeets.com and put your cursor over the link Login and click on Get a DieveMeets ID.
2. Enter information, select organization (AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) and USA Diving) click continue
(When Entering Name and date of birth, please make sure you enter same information as you enter when you registered your child for AAU and USA Diving.)
3. Fill out Form for registration (when asked for Team Affiliation choose ____Miami Diving_____________, for coach choose ____Dario Di Fazio____________, for membership enter AAU number)
4. After you submit this form you will get a message “you have successfully registered”
5. Click on the “Pool Deck”
6. Click on “Wellington Invitational” (If the meet does not show in the list, you must update information and include USA Diving in your profile)
7. Click on the event or events your child will be competing (See above Event names next to your child's name. Example: FC Level 4 Girls 1m or16-18 Girls 1m JO: )
8. Click on Submit
9. Depending on how may events you are registering, you must fill out as may dive forms (See dives numbers next to your child's/children's name above. You must enter the dives the same order)
10. Once you are done filing out the dive form click on submit.
11. Click on the “Release Form Paragraph”, select coach name and coach that will be in the meet. Fill out credit card info and click on submit
12. Verify information, click submit again
13. The new page will have your dive sheet and a message that “you have successfully register for the Wellington Invitational”
14. Print Registration.
15. You will get an email with your child's DiveMeets ID and password. Also, you will receive and email with confirmation of your registration in the meet.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dario Di Fazio
Head Diving Coach
Tel. 305-284-3639
Cell 305-510-3607
"Building a Strong Foundation"